Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Western Culture s Ideal Beauty Type - 963 Words

The Axe Campaign released a commercial in 2013 for their product Axe Apollo which features a male hero who saves the world and uses the product after getting the girl. While the primary aim of the commercial is to sell the product advertised, the commercial also reinforces traditional views of masculinity, sexuality and beauty. Through the depiction of the man as the womanizing, adventurer and the woman as a passive, sexual being the Axe Campaign uses conventional portrayals of gender roles in order to sell their product. In this paper, the commercial will be analyzed as it supports traditional views on beauty, sexuality and masculinity. This advertisement reinforces the western culture s ideal beauty type. The woman featured in the commercial is young, white, and thin all of which make her conventionally attractive as these are the characteristics that are most desired in Western society (Hobbs and Rice, 2013). Furthermore, youth is viewed as an indication of sexual and reproductive ability, whiteness is commonly associated with beauty and purity, and thin or athletic people are favoured over the disabled or overweight (Hobbs and Rice, 2013). By failing to include a woman that strays from any of the three characteristics listed previously, the Axe Apollo commercial does little to challenge mainstream beauty ideals. It is not surprising however, that the woman featured in the ad is not only highly sexualized but also conforms to western beauty norms as Carla RiceShow MoreRelatedWesternization Vs. Eating Disorders1645 Words   |  7 PagesWesternization Vs. Eating Disorders Historically, through an array of cultures worldwide, individuals have transformed their appearances in order to conform to the beauty ideal of relevant culture. Those that are apart of the Pa Dong Tribe, which reside among the boarder of Thailand, practice the elongating of the neck through the use of brass rings. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Protection Of Copyright An Indispensable Part Of The...

Position Paper As one of the three most important aspects of intellectual property, copyright is an indispensable part of the domestic and international protection. As one of the earliest countries to be aware of the importance of the protection of intellectual property, the United States paid great attention to the protection of copyright. All the treaties and legislation are aiming at reaching the balance between the creators’ interests and the competitors’ rights. 1.Domestic protection 1.1. It can first been seen in the United States Constitution, which authorized the Congress to protect authors and inventors with an exclusive right of their works and inventions in order to promote the development of science and technique. That is the basis of the United States copyright protection. 1.2. The United States Congress has taken series of action to legislate the protection of copyright during 1790s to 1990s. The Copyright Act, which come into effect in 1976, got amended twice in 1989 and 1990. This legislation together with the interpretations and implements of courts build up the system of United States copyright protection. Under section 102 of the Act, copyright protection extends to original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. This indicates that all protected works should be originalShow MoreRelatedJudicial Department of the Philippines5020 Words   |  21 Pagesduty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Chapter 24 Discussion Questions Free Essays

Chapter 24 Discussion Questions How sanitary were houses of the British lower orders? The houses of the British lower orders were completely unsanitary and unhealthy. In various sections of Manchester, as many as 200 people shared one outhouse. These outhouses were not cleaned out often and sewage overflowed and seeped into dwellings. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter 24 Discussion Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some courtyards became dung hills and sometimes excrement was gathered and sold as fertilizer. How did women’s status change during the 19th Century? Women usually did not work in the factories in 19th century Europe. It became expected of them to stay home and take care of the children. They formed bonds with their children because of the decrease in infant mortality rates and genuinely loved their husbands because people married out of love, not for economic reasons. Women had legal inferiority to their husbands and worked to change that throughout the 19th century. They campaigned for equal voting rights and access to higher education and professional employment. These groups gained important victories like the 1882 law that gave English women complete property rights. Discuss the philosophy of Auguste Comte. Auguste Comte was a French philospher who was an exceptionally influential system builder in the 19th century. He believed that intellectual activity goes through predictable stages. Comte believed that his new discipline of sociology would identify the eternal laws of human relations by applying the scientific method, or positivist method as it is also known. These stages of knowledge illustrate the popularity of the idea of evolution in the 19th century. How was transportation transformed in the 19th Century? In the 1870s horse-drawn streetcars operated in many European cities, which were invented in America. In the 1890s European cities utilized the electric streetcar, which was another American invention. Electric streetcars were cheaper and faster than horse-drawn streetcars. Millions of Europeans made use of the improved public transportation, workers, shoppers, and schoolchildren alike. In 1886 horse-drawn streetcars were transporting 900 million riders in England, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and France. In 1910 electric streetcars were transporting 6. 7 million passengers in those four countries. The improvement in public transportation helped the overpopulation of urban cities. Urban workers were able to live further away from the cities and still get to and from work using the innovations is public transportation. Art analysis: Decide on a 19th Century painting that best describes urban living. Be prepared to show the painting and explain how it reflects urban living. This painting shows urban living in the 19th century for a couple of reasons. The horse-drawn streetcars show the increase in public transportation during the 19th century. The spacious boulevards show the change in urban planning in Paris by Georges Haussmann at that time. How did the rise of industrialization affect urban life and the family? Industrialization caused overcrowding in major cities which sped up the spread of diseases and germs. Most people who lived in major cities lived in buildings that were cramped with as many as ten people in one room. Living conditions were poor and unhealthy. Sewers flowed alongside or down the middle of unpaved streets. Millions of European families lived â€Å"in shit. † How did the scientific-technological thinking influence the social sciences and the arts? Many people attempted to apply the objective methods of science to the study of society. These new social scientists had access to huge sets of numerical data that various governments had started to accumulate on all things, from prostitution to population, from crime to children. Along with Auguste Comte, another influential philosopher and scientist was Charles Darwin. Darwin presented the idea of natural selection and evolution in the 19th century. Darwin said that variations within a specific species will kill off the weaker members will die off and the stronger members will survive, based on Malthus’ theory that population will always outgrow the amount of supplies. How different are our attitudes toward gender and class issues from those of the Victorian Age? In the Victorian Age, the man had his place in the family and the women had theirs. Women were expected to stay home and manage the household, take care of the children, and manage the money. Men were expected to be the wage earners in factories and offices, not the women. Women only had jobs outside the house if they were extremely poor. And women who did have jobs like this, were paid significantly less than men who held the same job position. Nowadays, it is very common practice for women to have jobs outside the household. It is also illegal to pay employees more or less because of gender or racial reasons nowadays. Compare women and child-raising in the 16ththrough 18thCenturies with the 19thCentury? Throughout the 16th century, women were afraid to form bonds with their children because of the extremely high infant mortality rate. In the 18th century, the peasantry still did not become attached to their children until they were at least a year old. If the child survived the first year of life, his odds of surviving were much greater. Older children helped in cottage industry and the more children there were to help produce textiles and other things, the better. During the 18th century, the upper classes still neglected their children. Infants were usually handed off to wet nurses because breast-feeding was seen as a burden and by breast-feeding your children, there was a chance of becoming close to them. Finally, in the 19th century, women formed bonds with their children, no matter how young and breast-feeding was seen as a privilege, unlike before. Women were not as afraid of forming bonds with their children because infant mortality rates began to decrease. How to cite Chapter 24 Discussion Questions, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Impact and Future Prospects of Internet Essay Example For Students

Impact and Future Prospects of Internet Essay IMPACT AND FUTURE PROSPECTS OF INTERNETLecturer,Department of CSE-PG,The impact of the Internet, that is, the computer and its email and World Wide Web functions, have changed teaching, research, and collegiality. The Internet expands our horizons, our imaginations, and our capacities to find, store, organize, use, teach, and publish information. E-mail provides fast, almost instantaneous, communication with libraries, archives, and colleagues all across the globe, and with administrators at ones own university or elsewhere. The use of the computer and, by extension, the Internet is as important to History as it is to Biology or Physics. What lay behind this argument was the continuous drift of technology and the funds away from the humanities and toward other departments. The World Wide Web is the other crucially important computer aid for faculty. The Web enables us to search and find most kinds of information within a few seconds. Color graphics, moving pictures, and sounds as well as texts are available through the Web. The information available is nearly unlimited in breadth. There are dozens of search engines that help us discover on the Internet material for students, research, and for everyday living. With advances in graphic content, streamlined interfaces, and new technology like VRML, Java and Shockwave, the Internets ability to provide meaningful content is changing. Almost everyone agrees that the potential of the Internet to improve personal computing is inspiring. What is hotly disputed is exactly how using a PC or browsing the Internet will change. This paper discusses some of the issues related with the impact and future of internet. The impact of the Internet, that is, the computer and its email and World Wide Web functions, have changed teaching, research, and collegiality. The Internet expands our horizons, our imaginations, and our capacities to find, store, organize, use, teach, and publish information. Email provides fast, almost instantaneous, communication with libraries, archives, and colleagues all across the globe, and with administrators at ones own university or elsewhere. We can contact colleagues, librarians, administrators on all kinds of issues. The use of the computer and, by extension, the Internet is as important to History as it is to Biology or Physics. What lay behind this argument was the continuous drift of technology and the funds away from the humanities and toward other departments. Besides one-on-one email communication, there are public email networks or lists. Recently, 8,786 such lists were counted. Thousands of members of these groups with common interests communicate among themse lves electronically. By joining some of these groups, we can correspond simultaneously with hundreds of fellow professors. These lists not only allow us to share our interests but also to gain a a wealth of information. We can get questions answered.These Email networks can also help us in the early stages of a research project by supplying specific or theoretical information; suggesting bibliographies for material we are seeking in libraries or at Internet sites. And of course once our ideas are full-blown and our research done, we can use these email lists to gather informed criticism from our colleagues. The World Wide Web is the other crucially important computer aid for faculty. The Web enables us to search and find most kinds of information within a few seconds. Color graphics, moving pictures, and sounds as well as texts are available through the Web. The information available is nearly unlimited in breadth. Indeed, it is breadth-taking how many topics are covered on the Web. One sticking point, however, is the lack of depth in the available material. If the present trends continue, more and more material increasing vertical as well has horizontal knowledge will be stored on the Web. Several Websites have been adding texts to their pages. The Internet Public Library is a virtual library containing the full text of 3,400 books onlinenot many, but its a start. Each entry is accompanied by bibliographic information, including title, author, date, and hypertext URL(s). The downsides are the limited number of books, the huge memory demands on your browser, and the antiquity of the translations and editions. There are dozens of search engines that help us discover on the Internet material for our students, for our research, and for everyday living. It takes some time to develop the skills necessary to use search engines efficiently, but our efforts are well worth the work. A lot has been made about the Internets ever quickening advances. With advances in grap hic content, streamlined interfaces, and new technology like VRML, Java and Shockwave, the Internets ability to provide meaningful content is changing. Now, Online Impact! Design introduces three new technologies that may shape the way that you and your customers may be accessing the Internet and the World Wide Web. Meet Webster a pioneer in the world of Internet Boxes. Manufactured by ViewCall America (and available now) Webster attaches to a standard television set and offers WWW access from your living room couch. The Technology Behind Viewcalls WEBsterViewCall America consist of two distinct pieces ; the WEBster set-top box (STB) and the ViewCall service. WEBster connects, with two simple plug-in leads, to the consumers television set and standard telephone jack. The ViewCall service, accessed through WEBster, is a central communications center connecting the consumer to the Internet, personal on-demand services and ViewCall content. ? Consumers reap all the benefits of the Internet and online services without the high expense and specialized learning skills required for PCs. ? The easy-to-use interface makes online access simple and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of age. ? WEBsters low price, plus a small monthly subscription fee, makes the Internet affordably accessible to nearly all consumers. ? WEBsters expandable architecture allows add-on components such as infrared keyboard, CD ROM drive, disk drive, and printer. Furthermore, the architecture is designed for emerging technologies s uch as ISDN and cable modem, as they become available to the home. GO WIRELESS WITH MAGIC LINK COMMUNICATORSony has a solution for the business traveler, too. With its MagicLink personal communicator and software from Active Paper, Sony makes it possible to surf the Web in a new way wireless. Sure, you could use your laptop, but laptops are expensive some say too expensive for many consumers. Besides, the MagicLink is proof that portable digital assistants (PDAs) can be easy to use and powerful. Symbolism in The Glass Menegerie EssayA SIPC system will be quite easy to use. It will turn on instantly, like most other consumer appliances. It will interconnect with VCRs, stereos, and TVs. And every SIPC will run thousands of Windows applications, including web browsers and software for faxing, voice messaging, conferencing, and exchanging e-mail. New-generation set-top boxes will allow television sets to retrieve content from the web, but there will be ample compromise. Usually there wont be keyboards, although remote controls can function as mice. And televisions screens dont display text well. Furthermore, nobody publishes information on the Internet for display on TV screens yet, although that will change. Overall, however, the tradeoffs for the set-top box look pretty good, especially considering that TVs hooked to the Internet could allow people from every economic sphere to enjoy the Internets benefits. Keep in mind, though, that communications charges will mount up in the long run. Game machines and consumer-electronics devices, such as some of the forthcoming Digital Video Disk (DVD) Players, will connect to the Internet, using a slender cousin of Windows as the operating system. Well see an explosion of interest in multi-player games, where the contestants meet only in cyberspace. Hardware companies will begin selling handheld personal digital assistants (PDAs) that rely on another cousin of Windows. These miniature information appliances will have LCD screens and connect wirelessly to desktop machines and networks, including two-way pager networks. Because these networks will, in turn, tie into the Internet, youll be able to use the PDAs to browse the web or exchange e-mail. Over time, PDAs will evolve into what I like to call I-Wallet PC-in-one pocket-sized devices that will serve as personal communicators, maps, guide books, repositories of digital money and credit information, identification, tickets, and so forth. Its clear that a number of information appliances are going to become common in homes as well as in our pockets, and that these devices cant all be expensive. Keeping costs down is a priority, but people wont settle for underpowered tools. The Internet era is a challenge and an opportunity for every person and for most companies. It certainly is for Microsoft. Weve had a lot of challenges in the past 20 years, but this one happens to be great fun. Recently, 35 leading American research universities and the Federal government have contributed $300 million to establish a new Internet for research, one that is much faster than the present networks and will be able to transmit large amounts of data. According to the project director,the new system will focus energy and resources on the development of a new family of advanced applications to meet emerging academic requirements in research, teaching, and learning. Abuses, misinformation, plagiarism, skulduggery, junk, pornography, and scams abound on the Internet. We need to teach our students to verify the information gained from the Internet just as we teach them to verify the information obtained from documents and print sources. We have to find ways to prevent unwanted material from entering our computers. We have to insure that our academic freedom to teach, to do research, and to communicate freely with our colleagues all across the globe is not impeded. We have to make sure t hat the international collegiality made possible by the internet does not destroy the sometimes fragile but necessary collegial relationships with members of our own departments and university. The Internet may be rather disturbing to many of us used to the traditional methods of communication and research. Everything seems too fast and, in a sense, too facile. We have to come to grips with this new technology and, as scholars alive and well in the twentieth, soon to be twenty-first, century, turn it to our advantage. Although many academics refuse to use the Internet for their work, and this of course is their prerogative We simply have to realize that the Internet is here to stay, and we can use this new medium to our own advantage. So long as the focus remains for us as well as for our administrations and for our students teaching face to face. The new technologies can be used to enhance our teaching, make it more creative, impressive, and easy, and can be used to make our resear ch more efficient and complete, but, it can never replace the face-to-face contact between professor and students, that is, the traditional university teaching environment. A place where many people, hopefully, believe in learning for learnings sake. Where teachers help lead both themselves and their students toward wisdom. As the new technologies become more important, we can still teach our students to be critical and humanistic. But we will fail them and ourselves unless we take pro-active measures to harness the Internet. We have to demonstrate to our students that we can help them order the chaos of facts now available on the Internet into understandable constructions. We can either continue to be leaders in using these new technological tools, or we will very likely end up being buried by them. Bibliography:1. â€Å"Internet Complete Reference† – Harley Hahn2. http://www.microsoft.com3. http://www.sun.com4. http://www.duenow.com

Friday, November 29, 2019

Socrates Essays (221 words) - Socratic Dialogues,

Socrates Socrates believed in speaking the truth. In his speeches, his true character is revealed. He is an individual, who lived only to spread knowledge. Socrates was humble, knowing that he was no wiser than anyone. In not recording his knowledge, he was able to devote more time to thought. He did not take money for his teachings, the poor and rich could learn from him. Socrates spent much time seeking out wise men, and showing them to be fools. He had perseverance, continuing to urge people to think. In his own words he was gadfly. By answering questions with a question, he urged people to find their own answers. Socrates was a selfless man, wanting only to bring goodness to the Athenians. He was magnanimous, forgiving his persecutors. He assured them that he did not fear death. Wherefore, O judges, be of a good cheer about death, and know of a certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. (Plato) Socrates was almost larger than life, in his generosity, good humor, and love of life. He was courageous in the way that he defended himself, in plain words rather than use large words and a person to speak for him. These characteristics define Socrates as almost larger than life.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Love Song

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock contains T.S. Eliots perception on modern man. The narrator of the poem, J. Alfred Prufrock, represents Eliots depiction of modern man. Eliot explains his reasons for writing about this topic by saying, "Poetry may help to break up the conventional modes of perception and valuation which are perpetually forming, and make people see the world afresh, or some new part of it. It may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being, to which we rarely penetrate; for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves, and an evasion of the visible and sensible world. But to say all this is only to say what you know already, if you have felt poetry and thought about your feelings." Eliot personally feels that modern man has an exiguous view on the quality of life and the truly important entities. His character, J. Alfred Prufrock, represents all aspects of modern man that ! Eliot despises. For example, Prufrock is obsessed with appearance and age and he exhibits deficient communication skills. All three of these fixations lead Prufrock to individual isolation, perpetual loathing of mankind, and they negatively affect his love life. Alfred J. Prufrock lacks confidence in himself mentally and physically because he allows the terror of what others think greatly effect his life. When people see his balding head or his slim and aging body, Prufrock can not even image the consequences. The fact that the younger generation is constantly examining him, bothers Prufrock a great deal. Farther into the poem, he continues to ramble about how people will talk about him behind his back. They will say "How is hair is growing thin..."But how his arms and legs are thin!" Prufrocks insecurity indisputably hinders him. It holds him back from doing the things he wishes to do. This sort of char...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Accident Victim Interview Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Accident Victim Interview Report - Essay Example As soon as he lifted his second foot to take a further step backwards, there was no floor beneath. Next moment, Paul was on the first floor. He had fallen head down and the back of his head struck against the corner of the first stair. The stair was made in concrete and had not yet been plastered or tiled. Paul was not wearing helmet while plastering, so he received scars on the back of his head. He started to bleed heavily. The foreman noticed him and immediately reported the case to the engineer. The engineer called for the safety officer and called the first aid. The safety officer took notes and escorted Paul to the nearest hospital. Paul received five stitches in the head. Surprisingly, he did not have any fracture. He was lucky enough to remain safe and sound. After taking his X-ray, the doctor said that the scars were not deep and had not penetrated into the skull. Paul had only had his skin cut. The doctor proposed that Paul should take a bed rest for at least two weeks befor e going to work. The construction company he was employed in paid for his medical expenses. After two weeks, the scars had sufficiently healed. The doctor undid the bandage. Paul was feeling ok then and would be at work the following day. The incident was reported to OSHA. OSHA team visited the construction site and instructed the General Manager (GM) to bring certain changes in the workplace within a specified duration. Following the incident, the safety officer ensured that every worker wore the helmet. To achieve this, he announced with due approval of the GM that any worker found without a helmet on the site would be fined along with his foreman. Every worker would receive three fines before getting terminated from work, and the successive fines would be larger. The safety officer also got scaffolding fixed aside every staircase in every house on the construction site. In addition to that, all workers were called in a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Auto Biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Auto Biography - Essay Example My mother has a rough life, and she is disabled, being a DID with multiple personality disorder, so I help her out as well. Naturally, I am an outgoing, generous, and carefree person. I am smart can learn anything fast, and have a great memory. I have always had a lot of friends at home, school and work. I have always been a leader and I understand how to take on a task and complete with quality. People look up to me at my workplace, and I have been the motivator in the departments I have worked at. I got my GED in 2004 went to the Art institute in Dallas TX for 2 years for visual communications, but stopped going when my mom got ill. Went to Westwood college in Dallas TX for graphic design for a year, but ended it when I found out they are not an accredited school and my credits would not transfer. I finally found Letourneau University from a coworker at work telling me about it. I am going for my bachelors in business management, but also want to get back into graphic and web design after accepting my diploma. I thought an art degree needed something I could fall back on, so going for business since I seem to be good at it in my career. I currently pursue a Bachelor of Arts, Business Management, Letourneau University, Longview, TX, and hopes to graduate in fall 2015. I am a service and administrative professional with more than 10 years of experience leading teams and providing exceptional customer service to clients. I am dedicated to transitioning knowledge and skills from previous experience to build a solid career in the auto finance field. I worked at LA QUINTA, Dallas, TX, from 2002 to 2007, as a front office manager, where I conducted administrative operations, served as first point of contact for all guests, and attended customer phone calls to make room reservations. In addition, I coordinated bookings for conventions, tours, and groups of 50+ people, and collected payments on

Monday, November 18, 2019

Book Report on No More Mondays by Dan Miller Essay

Book Report on No More Mondays by Dan Miller - Essay Example In the work of Dan Miller entitled No More Mondays, he discussed the ways and means to be able to improve the performance at work by changing the attitude toward the performance of the job. No more Mondays can then be translated as the dismissal of the attitude of a worker to dread Mondays. By the development of the positive mind-set towards work, a person can look forward to a new week of work instead of having a feeling of resentment towards it. For that matter, the Monday feeling can be eliminated. Miller proposed positive attitude towards work to be able to discard the negative feelings toward work. But prior to the said notion, the need to evaluate the work being performed by the person is of primary importance. This can be attributed to the fact that being dedicated in a certain job requires passion toward it. This can only be achieved if the person really loves the job that he/she has. This is where the importance of choosing a career and being in the career that one is passionate about comes in. Based on the book, it is more important to prioritize the job a person wants than choose the job on the basis of the salary. This can lead to a possible disappointment because of the high level of instability in the economic aspect of work and business. In addition, if the said attitude is undertaken there is great possibility that the person can feel the need to perform a particular work while considering the paycheck. This can be translated as being a slave to the salary and the money that can be received. Another important notion is the feeling of being stupid in the repetitive task that a person performs. This can only be translated as the feeling of being required and pushed through certain tasks without the feeling of innovativeness and creativeness. The said feelings can only be initiated if the worker can continuously improve himself/herself in the performance of the job. Also, such attitudes can

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Unified Power Quality Conditioner Engineering Essay

Unified Power Quality Conditioner Engineering Essay Abstract-The aim of this paper is to present a constant frequency unified power quality conditioning system(CFUPQC)which consists of an unified power quality conditioner(UPQC) extended by adding a frequency changer in between the shunt active filter and series active filter . The series active filter and shunt active filters mainly used to compensate the voltage, current imbalance and harmonics. The frequency converter is used to compensate the supply frequency when it varies beyond the power quality limit. The proposed configuration all converters are connected back to back on the dc side and share the common dc link capacitor. The simulation results are presented to confirm that the new approach has better performance than the traditional UPQC. Index Terms-CFUPQC, frequency changer, voltage source converter (VSC), Matlab simulink INTRODUCTION Uunifed power quality conditioner is an advanced concepts in the area of power quality control. The basic working principle of unified power quality conditioner is based on series and parallel power converters that share a common dc link [1].Unified power quality conditioner is used to compensate voltage sag, voltage swell [2] , current harmonics [3] it is also creates an impact on the reactive power [4] through shunt voltage source inverter and series voltage source inverter. In order to avoid the switching oscillation, a passive filter is applied at the output of each inverter. At the output of shunt inverter a high pass second order LC filter is allocated and the output of series inverter low pass second order LC resonance filter is allocated. UPQC controller provides the compensation voltage through the UPQC series inverter and conditioning the current through the shunt inverter by instantaneous sampling of load current and source voltage. The reference current are compared with the shunt inverter output current (,) and are fed to hysteresis type (PWM) current controller. There are some problems with PQC. As the supply frequency changes the UPQC will not compensate the voltage sag and swell and current harmonics properly. This happens due to the presence of LC filters at the Inverters output terminals. It is directly affected by the variation of supply frequency. Fig.1: Basic Configuration of Constant Frequency Unified Power Quality Conditioner (CFUPQC) Fig 1 shows the proposed improved configuration of constant Frequency unified power quality conditioner. This modified unified power quality conditioner concepts enables the PWM converter to perform not only active filtering purpose, also the function of frequency changer. The compensation principle of the CFUPQC will be described in the coming sections. The proposed unified power quality conditioner has to satisfy the following requirements. Reactive power is maintained at minimum value. The load voltage should be maintained at the rated supply voltage. Maintain the input current with very low harmonic content. Assure the supply frequency is permissible within the power quality limits .The simulations result will be presented to validate the proposed CFUPQC. frequency quality indices In order to characterize the power system frequency under normal operating condition the following indices are used Where fr is the rated frequency (50 or 60) Hz and f is the real frequency. The relative frequency deviation (2) The integral deviation during the delay required to ensure appropriate of clock synchronized to the electrical network frequency (3) According to the standard En 50160/2006rated frequency of supply voltage is 50Hz.Under normal operation conduction the mean value of the fundamental frequency measured over loss stay within the following range. 50 Hz+ 1%.ie 49.5-50.5Hz for 99.5%of the year 50 Hz+ 4%.ie 47-52Hz for 100%of the time. But as power frequency may not be exactly 50Hz within the time interval. The fundamental frequency output is the ratio of the number of integer cycle counted clearing 10s time interval divided by the cumulative value of the integer value. The step taken to maintain the frequency with in required limits render deviation from the normalized value very rate phenomena. In this way an analysis is of the influence of frequency variation on the final customer is only for a reduced interval about +3Hz of the rated value and for rather short period. Within the reduced variation field (40%)a considerable number of static customers are not affected by the system variation(rectifier , resistance, ovens, electric arc ect)but 60%of the consumers (fans, motors ect)affected by the frequency variations. The asynchronous and synchronous driving motors connected the supply network used extensely in individual acceleration have the power frequency changes. Depending on the mechanical characteristic spee d of the motor and also depends on the supply frequency [13].The speed of asynchronous motors or synchronous motor unlimited drags to the electric power supply variations s proportional to the applied voltage frequency. The frequency variation leads to the correspond modification of the process production time throughout the supply with a reduced frequency depressing the supply frequency capacitive circuit, transformer, relay coil are affected Constant Frequency Unified Power Quality Conditioner (CFUPQC) CFUPQC structure Fig.3: Proposed Configuration Modified configuration of UPQC consist of shunt active filter, series active filter, voltage source inverter and voltage source converter shown in Fig(3).CFUPQC similar to the UPQC expect the frequency changing section. UPQC has the potential drawbacks in the hybrid filtering performance. Since its filter in characteristics depends on load impedance and supply frequency. CFUPQC series active filter is used for compensation the voltage harmonics and voltage imbalance In addition the voltage source converter supplies the AC to DC power and is fed to common DC link. The CFUPQC consists of parallel active filter (PAF) that eliminates load harmonics and compensates load reactive power. The control equation is Ipf=G.IL (4) Where g is the control function, is fundamental frequency.IL is the load current, Ipf is the parallel filter input current components for compensation are extracted from load current and load voltages using theory while the converter is a current controlled device using 20 kHz clocked hysteresis band. Series active filter (SAF) that compensates supply harmonics flicker, voltage sag/swell, unbalance and diode + capacitor type load harmonics to flow in to the parallel filter. Control equation is comp (5) Where k is regulator gain, Usf is the series filter voltage, Ish are harmonic supply current and Ucomp is compensation voltage needed to remove supply voltage imperfection. Ish are extracted to theory. Active rectifier (AR) for real power transfer to/from common DC bus and for DC bus control. Switching losses and power received from the dc link capacitors through the series inverter can decrease the average value of dc bus. Other distortions such as unbalanced conditions and sudden changes in load current can result in oscillation in dc bus voltage .In order to solve the fluctuated dc voltage the three phase rectifier is used .DC bus voltage is maintained constant using three-phase rectifier converter for bi-directional power flow and is controlled in such a way that it is insensitive to supply voltage imperfections. Rms value of the output voltage Vorms=0.9558Vml Rms value of the output current Iorms=0.9558Iml Where ml is maximum value of line current. Multi stage 48 pulse voltage source inverter (VSI) supplies the constant power frequency when the supply frequency will change. Here multilevel voltage source inverter is used, to eliminate the harmonic component of the output. The frequency converter is placed in between the series and shunt active filters. Normally the voltage source converters (rectifiers) generate the current harmonics. In order to avoid the harmonics and reactive power the rectifier is placed at the middle of the two active filters. Similarly if the load is increased voltage dip may occur in front of voltage source inverter. At the same time series active filter compensate the voltage problems. Control system of the CFUPQC shunt Part Fig.4: Control System of the Shunt CFUPQC 1) CFUPQC shunt inverter control system: In the Fig (4) shows the shunt inverter controlling block diagram of CFUPQC using synchronous reference frame theory where the sensitive loads current are . The measured currents of load are transferred in to frame using sinusoidal functions through synchronous reference frame conversion. The sinusoidal functions are obtained through the grid voltage using phase lock loop(PLL). Here the currents are divided in to ac and dc components (6) (7) The equation (6) and (7) and are the real and reactive components.ac components and dc elements can be derived by low pass filter.are the dc components and are the ac components of . The control algorithm corrects the systems power factor and compensates all the current harmonica component by generating the reference currents given in equation = (8) = (9) The reference current is transferred in to frame through reverse conversion of synchronous reference frame. Resulted reference current () and the output current of shunt inverter () are fed to the hysteresis band controller. Now the required controlling pulses are generated and the required compensation current is generated by the inverter applying these signals to shunt inverters power switch gates. 2) CFUPQC Series Inverter Control System Fig.5: Control System of the Series CFUPQC 2) CFUPQC series inverter control system: Fig (5) shows the CFUPQC series inverter controlling block diagram using synchronous reference frame theory. In this method the desired value of load phase voltages in d axis and q axis is compared with the load voltage and the result is consider as the reference signal. The supply voltage detected is detected and transformed in to the synchronous reference frame using (10) The compensating reference voltage in the synchronous reference frame is defined as (11) The compensating reference voltage in (11) is then transformed back into the reference frame .Resulted reference voltage () and the output current of shunt inverter () are fed to the hysteresis band controller. The required controlling pulses are generated and the required compensation voltage is generated. 3) Control system of 48 pulse voltage source inverter: 48-pulse voltage source converter consists of four three phase, 3-level inverters and 4 phase-shifting transformers creating phase shift of +/- 7.5 °degree. This transformer setup neutralizes all odd harmonics up to 45th harmonic. Eight 6-pulse inverters are combined to obtain a 48-pulse with the purpose of reducing harmonic content. Table 1 shows the values of phase shifts which are applied to the inverter voltages in two steps, namely in firing pulses and in Zig-zag transformers, to create a 48-pulse waveform at the output . Table 1:48 Pulse voltage source Inverter Coupling transformer Gate pulse pattern Phase shifting transfer Y-Y +11.25 ° -11.25 ° Δ-Y -18.75o -11.25o Y-Y -3.75o +3.75o Δ-Y -33.75o +3.75o Y-Y +3.75o -3.75o Δ-Y -26.25o -3.75o Y-Y -11.25o +11.25o Δ-Y -41.25o +11.25o content in the order of n= 48m ±1, where m= 0, 1, 2. The main-inverter intermediate-circuit capacitors together have an energy storage capacity of only 15 J/kVA. An output switching frequency of 1 kHz is chosen, which is fairly reasonable for this converter. Input is a frequency reference, which is passed through a rate limiter in order to be within the limits of maximum acceleration. Fig.6: Control System of the Frequency changer CFUPQC Except for the 23rd and 25th harmonics, this transformer arrangement neutralizes all odd harmonics up to 45th harmonic. Y and D transformer secondarys cancel harmonics 7+12n (7, 19, 31, 43,)and 5+12n (5, 17, 29, 41,) .In addition, the 15 ° phase shift between the two groups (Tr1Y and Tr1D leading by 7.5 °, Tr2Y and Tr2D lagging by 7.5 °) that allows cancellation of harmonics 11+24n (11, 35,) and 13+24n (13, 37,). Considering that all 3n harmonics are not transmitted by the transformers, the first harmonics that are not canceled by the transformers are therefore the 23rd, 25th, 47th and 49th harmonics. By choosing the appropriate conduction angle for the three-level inverter (ÏÆ' = 172.5 °), the 23rd and 25th harmonics can be minimized. Using a bipolar DC voltage, the voltage source inverter thus generates a 48-step voltage approximatly a sine wave. The secondary sides of the coupling transformers are connected in series to sum the output voltages of individual VSIs and resul ts in a multi-pulse phase voltage which can be expressed mathematically as follow (12) Both equations (12) and (13) which are phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltage representations, respectively, show that harmonics up to 47th order are inherently filtered. The signalization of the 48-pulse inverter are generated for the inverter having -41.25 of gate pulse phase and directly fed to the corresponding inverter. PWM signals for the remaining inverters are obtained by applying relevant phase shifts to the set of PWM signals generated. For example, in order to obtain the pulses for the inverter having -11.25o of gate pulse +30o of phase shift is applied to the closed loop current controllers output. In practice, the phase shifting of the pulses is realized by applying a delay in the first cycle. The generated set of pulses is the earliest set appearing at the time-line and since it is not possible to apply a negative delay the earliest appearing set is generated and the rest are delayed accordingly. When the supply frequency is exceeded beyond the power quality limit the constant frequency voltage source inverter control system change the load from source power supply to the constant frequency inverter power supply. Simulation Results The proposed system, simulation results is simulated by MATLAB software. Fig 7Current harmonic minimization when the supply frequency is normal In the above simulation some capabilities of UPQC to solve power quality problems are shown. The nonlinear load which is produced harmonic current to the network. Fig. 7 shows that the shunt part of UPQC compensates these harmonics Components when the supply frequency is normal. Now assume that a deep and unbalance voltage sag, as occurs at t = 0.2 s to 0.25 s and voltage swell occurred 0.26 and lasts for 0.3 second. Fig.8. Sag swell condition when the supply frequency is normal In Fig(8) the UPQC inject the compensation voltage via series inverter and compensate efficiently at 0.2 second sag condition and voltage swell condition at supply frequency normal (60Hz) Fig .9.Series UPQC when the frequency exceed the power quality limit In fig 9 shows the operation of UPQC when the supply frequency exceeds the power quality limits the output was not found satisfactory .The supply beyond the power quality limit (greater than 63 Hz)at 0.25 second the load voltage waveform varies. The frequency increase rapidly the voltage waveform highly distorted as shown in the simulation results Fig 9. Based on the simulation result Fig 10 it is intended that if the supply frequency varies greater than power quality limit the load current wave form is distorted. If the frequency increases the wave form also distort rapidly as shown in fig10. Fig 10. CF- UPQC Operated when Frequency greater than the Power quality limits Fig 11. CF- UPQC Operated when Frequency greater than the Power quality limits Fig 11showsthe proposed CFUPQC model was simulated for a period of 0.01 sec to 0.5 sec from the results in fig 11, it was seen that at 0.28 sec the supply frequency crossed the power quality limit at 0.29. Fig.12. CF-UPQCs inverter supplying current under over frequency condition The above simulation shows the 48 pulse inverter carries the load current when the supply frequency varied beyond the power quality limit. When the frequency exceed the limits at 0.28 sec. the voltage source converter supply the power. The above simulation result Fig(13) clearly shows when the frequency changes the asynchronous motor speed also changes and the UPQC also not deliver the voltage sinusoidal. In this case the load connected in to paper mills, relays are affected. Fig.13. UPQC connected asynchronous motor under over frequency condition Fig.14. CFUPQC connected asynchronous motor under over frequency condition The proposed model simulation fig 14 shows when the supply frequency change the motor speed not changed and the CFUPQC also work satisfactory TABLE I11 PARAMETER VALUES OF THE UNDERPROPOSED SYSTEM Power quality problems UPQC UPQC CF-UPQC CF-UPQC Frequency Hz 58-62Hz >62Hz-60-

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Paths We Choose Essay -- John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men

To take someone’s life; is it truly wrong? This is not that simple of a question, because every time a life is taken it isn’t out of cold blood. Sometimes it is just the opposite of that thought. The portrayal of George and Carlson in the book Of Mice and Men is of life takers. They differ by moral standings; the bonds they share with the character is life they take, and how take that character's life affects them. While George takes a life out of mercy, Carlson did what he thought was necessary. They made the same decision for different reasons and different understandings of why it had to be done. George is hot tempered older brother figure to Lennie who is a big and gentle but deadly guy; on the other hand, Carlson is a ranch hand with no really close connections. George was asked by Aunt Clara to promise to take care of Lennie. He sees Lennie as a kid brother that doesn’t know any better; George is life bound to Lennie, not just thought the promise he made, but George’s own love for him. When Lennie is sad to calm him down, he invented a story of a ranch with bunnies with the promise that they leave, and go there when they are old. He cares for Lennie so much he starts to believe his own story; Skip town leaves jobs just for Lennie sake. Carlson is a selfish man. If something no longer has a use, he gets rid of it â€Å"that dog was a great sheep dog in it prime† is something Candy would have said to Carlson. If something has no value there’s no need for it to exist anymore. Basically Carlson cutting himself off from others, so he won't get attach ed to them once they are no longer usefully. He will shed them like a snake shad’s skin, but while it may soun... ...f a question, because every time a life is taken it isn’t out of cold blood. As we see with George, your moral character may say that it’s wrong, but if it’s a family member, your brother, your sister, even your best friend who was in trouble, and a group was after them, and there was no other choice: they’re going to die if the group got to them; they were going to be torched. Like Clarkson, we also understand the means of necessity; if something doesn’t work you throw it out, or in his case, kill it. For George taking a life is hard, even harder when the life you’re taking is closer to you, and to put that responsibility in someone else hand is cruel to those you care for .Carlson has no problem with taking life; it is not he doesn’t care about life, just to him it is necessary for life to be taken, and the outcome is not different no matter who pulls the trigger.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The years

The years of 1901-1912 were a time of fast moving evolution for the united States on the stage of world relationships. As Roosevelt entered office, the â€Å"Big Stick† was placed firmly in his hands. He took control of affairs and handled them in the way that he felt should be handled. Nevertheless, when Taft entered office and he did not want to play as large of a role furthermore, big dollar diplomacy evolved out of this desire. Big Dollar diplomacy would have never evolved If It wasn't for the big stick and for his one Incentive alone it shows that Roosevelt polices were far more effective.Roosevelt placed the united States Into situations she had never had to deal with In the past. This won the respect of the nations of the world. The Big Stick at period was so overpowering that It far exceeded the country's capableness. Roosevelt personality did not take Into consideration that at many times In order to form the point of potency he desired he had to dull the rest of the blade. This was unquestionably shown in the structure of the Great white Fleet.Roosevelt had the sire to show the world the naval capabilities of the united States so he formed the great fleet of battleships to take a tour of the world- while incidentally leaving the rest of our nation's welfare completely exposed. On the bright side however, the Big Stick was the influential force of strong nationalistic feelings. It awakened the country and made it feel pleasurable as it left a period of crime and corruption in politics. Most importantly, although it was still years away, it allowed us to start prepping for World War One, politically as well as militarily.When the traditional Taft entered office after Roosevelt, he realized that the he would have to show the nation he was not the same type of leader as Roosevelt was. He was not proficient enough of taking the huge risks Roosevelt had made common practice during his presidency. However, Taft was faced with great tasks. He could not let the newly formed American Empire fall by the curb. He could not let the other countries of the world loose respect for us and gain more land in far off places. So Taft developed a new form of global policy.Big Dollar Diplomacy as it was called was more of a maintenance driven policy than anything else. Instead of expanding the empire with the Big Stick, Taft took benefit of American economic and industrial force. There could have been no better change flanked by the radical policies of Roosevelt and the traditionalist ones of Wilson. The big dollar maintained American strength and influence, but did not expand It. This was shown by Tuft's desire to build a transcontinental railroad in China. Taft kept us on the point with world affairs UT, only at the conservative level that he knew we could handle safely.By utilizing the dollar he hit other nations where It hurts, the pocket. He made others Like those In South America loyal to us and paved our status In the world. Big Stick an d Big Dollar diplomacy were both victorious polices In the respect that they skillfully validated what they were Intended to do. However, Big Dollar was more of a patch. It was adapted as a â€Å"do the least that we can† type of policy. Therefore I believe that the Big Stick was far more victorious. If we did not have the lumber of Dollar.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Review These Study Questions for A Rose for Emily

Review These Study Questions for 'A Rose for Emily' A Rose for Emily is a favorite American short story by William Faulkner.   Summary The narrator of this story represents several generations of men and women from the town.  The story begins at the huge funeral for Miss Emily Grierson. Nobody has been to her house in 10 years, except for her servant. The town had a special relationship with Miss Emily ever since it decided to stop billing her for taxes in 1894. But, the newer generation wasnt happy with this arrangement, and so they paid a visit to Miss Emily and tried to get her to pay the debt. She refused to acknowledge that the old arrangement might not work anymore, and flatly refused to pay.Thirty years before, the tax collecting townspeople had a strange encounter with Miss Emily about a bad smell at her place. This was about two years after her father died, and a short time after her lover disappeared from her life. Anyhow, the stink got stronger and complaints were made, but the authorities didnt want to confront Emily about the problem. So, they sprinkled lime around the house and the smell was eventual ly gone. Everybody felt sorry for Emily when her father died. He left her with the house, but no money. When he died, Emily refused to admit it for three whole days. The town didnt think she was crazy then, but assumed that she just didnt want to let go of her dad. Next, the story doubles back and tells us that not too long after her father died Emily begins dating Homer Barron, who is in town on a sidewalk-building project. The town heavily disapproves of the affair and brings Emilys cousins to town to stop the relationship. One day, Emily is seen buying arsenic at the drugstore, and the town thinks that Homer is giving her the shaft, and that she plans to kill herself.   When she buys a bunch of mens items, they think that she and Homer are going to get married. Homer leaves town, then the cousins leave town, and then Homer comes back. He is last seen entering Miss Emilys house. Emily herself rarely leaves the home after that, except for a period of half a dozen years when she gives painting lessons.  Her hair turns gray, she gains weight, and she eventually dies in a downstairs bedroom. The story cycles back to where it began, at her funeral. Tobe, miss Emilys servant, lets in the town women and then leaves by the backdoor forever. After the funeral, and after Emily is buried, the townspeople go upstairs to break into the room that they know has been closed for 40 years.Inside, they find the corpse of Homer Barron, rotting in the bed. On the dust of the pillow next to Homer they find an indentation of a head, and there, in the indentation, a long, gray hair. Study Guide Questions Here are a few questions for study and discussion. What is important about the title of the short story, A Rose for Emily? What are the multiple meanings for the rose?What are the conflicts in A Rose for Emily? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you see in this story?How does William Faulkner reveal character in A Rose for Emily?What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?What are some symbols in A Rose for Emily? How do they relate to the plot and characters?Do you find the characters likable? Would you want to meet the characters?What is significant about the gray hair at the end of the short story?What is the central/primary purpose of the story? Is the purpose important or meaningful?How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?What is the role of women in the text? What about single/independent women? What about the role of wife and mother?Would you recommend this story to a friend?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chid Abuse

Chid Abuse In nineteenth century, American slaves were freed and animals were protected against cruelty while children were still considered their parents' chattel, to do with as they wished. Not until 1874 was the first court case of child abuse argued. The American Society brought the case, on behalf of a young girl named Mary Ellen for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The ASPCA successfully challenged the court to recognize that Mary Ellen was covered under laws barring inhuman treatment of animals. Society thus accepted a moral responsibility to protect children, even from their parents.Eventually, many states responded to this moral responsibility by making child abuse illegal. Reporting child abuse, however, was still not required. Consequently, most child abuse remained unacknowledged. Finally in 1974 Congress enacted the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. "This act provided federal funds to fight child abuse for states that passed laws requiring certain professionals, such a s teachers and health care personnel, to report suspected abuse"(Koster Swisher 12).Physical abuse in genogramThis financial incentive motivated every state to pass such a law. Now, many Americans had both a moral and a legal responsibility to report abuse.Child Abuse is a deviant act according to the normative perspective of deviance. This behavior violates the norms and rules of society. Many people feel that it is wrong to abuse a child. Whether it is physical or emotional a child is just supposed to be cared for. The cruel realization that parents and caretakers can kill their own children has been difficult for our nation to face. Indeed, many who make policies, direct programs, and deliver services to children and families have found it difficult to accept. Yet, this is reality.Williams 2Child Abuse has been a fact of life throughout history; however, recognition of abuse as a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Australia Ripples the Waters as It Relaxes Cross-Media and Foreign Essay

Australia Ripples the Waters as It Relaxes Cross-Media and Foreign Ownership Laws - Essay Example That pithy exchange from the past captures the essence of the present-day debate in Australia triggered by the government announcement of plans to deregulate media after 20 years of controls on foreign ownership and cross-media transactions. The Morley-Jones clash of views between the public service and business orientation of media deferred to old UK conditions, but the same hairsplitting still rings true today and continues to reverberate throughout the world as economic opportunities diminish and competition for scarce resources tighten up. Since almost all sectors of national economies have been served up for foreign interests in the universal drive to generate much-needed foreign investment, governments in many parts of the world, both developed and underdeveloped, are fixing their attention on the media industry as the last remaining enticement for foreign investors. As Australian Sen. Ron Walker puts it: "Media has become the last major industry begging for reform to bring it to the 21st century."2 By inference, the senator is batting for a new scheme that would keep Australian media in step with the times by allowing foreign investment into the arena. Australia is veering towards that exact direction, with the reforms on foreign media ownership and cross-media transactions programmed to take effect in 20073. ... This merger is called cross-media ownership in industry parlance. In the interim, the government conducts a nationwide multi-sector consultation in a desire to accommodate every viewpoint in the reform framework and thus hammer out a final policy that is acceptable to all. The more strident objections, as expected, come from the vanguards of press freedom and the citizens' rights to the widest sources of news and information brought to them without the biases of big business. Big businesses the media firms will indeed become if the set of current restrictions are pulled out. Thus, the debate now raging in Australia's media landscape centers on the basic question: Are the economic benefits promised by the entry of foreign media and liberalization of cross-media rules enough to justify placing at risk the spirit of competition and independence of media This essay weighs the pros and cons of the issue, ranging the Australian media reform plan against that of other countries exhibiting the same inclinations, if only to see which models it can use to improve a framework that would appeal to the cross-section of Australian society. II. Foreign Ownership of Media Under the Australian media reform plan, regulations on media ownership will be relaxed as they involve both Australian citizens and foreigners. All existing restrictions on foreign ownership and control of media will be abolished as well as relevant barriers contained in both the 1992 Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) and the Foreign Investment Policy under the 1975 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act (FATA)4. Limits on simultaneous ownership of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Trafficking of Illicit Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

The Trafficking of Illicit Drugs - Essay Example In order to halt the burgeoning economic, safety, and health issues related to these illicit substances, policymakers must address many issues including creating community-based prevention programs for youth and allocating funds for better access to drug rehabilitation programs (National Drug Control Strategy, 2011). Background In Alaska, drug use, and distribution is a massive problem and burden that affects the individual, communities, and the entire state. Illicit drug use is higher among Alaska natives than any other ethnic group (Young & Joe, 2009). In addition, Alaska natives have the greatest rates of use for marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, hallucinogens, and nonmedical use of psychotherapeutics (Young & Joe, 2009). According to the National Drug Control Strategy (2011) budget summary for the last fiscal year, the hindrance of drug use and its consequences contributes approximately $32 billion dollars in medical costs per year. Social Factors The entire United States is affecte d by illicit substance abuse. The impact of losing a loved one due to an overdose of illegal drug use is a paramount issue that cannot be qualified by any outside source. The youth of our nation is affected as well as their families. The National Youth Behavior Risk Survey (2011) for the years of 2009 – 2011 indicates that students in high school grades nine through twelve reported either an increase in incidence or no change for marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, heroin, and/or methamphetamine use (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011). Citizens of the entire nation are also affected by the crime that is created by means to obtain illicit substances; an average of 71% of males arrested in 10 metropolitan areas in 2011 tested positive for an illegal substance at the time they were taken into custody (Tombak, 2012). Economic Factors The problem of the use of illicit drugs in the United States and the trafficking of illegal drugs cost the nation billions of dollar s each year. Densely (2010) notes that the United States losses as much as $110bn on illicit drugs alone for each year. This loss comes about through a lot of avenues. In the first place, millions of dollars are spent on control and prevention programs that aim at ensuring that people in the country do not fall prey to a very dangerous act of dealing with or using illicit drugs. The control and prevention programs take several forms including strategic campaigns and law enforcement programs. Because there are specially designated agencies who are supposed to be responsible for the control and prevention of illicit drug use, special allocations are made for them in each year’s budget and this is the source of the huge cost involved (Weiler, 2004). Apart from the cost of control and prevention programs, huge liability is incurred by the nation through the cost of managing affected persons who have suffered the consequences of illicit drug use (Davis-Floyd, 2001). This is becaus e special budgetary allocation is provided for people in rehabilitation homes and other healthcare facilities who receive treatment for various forms of illicit drug use side effects. What is most disturbing is that because such people are often neglected by their families, the government is always forced to bear all the cost and this possesses a serious economic challenge for the nation.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Institutional Analysis Merrill Lynch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Institutional Analysis Merrill Lynch - Essay Example The organizational structure of the company is a functional structure .This is because it is divided into three businesses. The business segments of Merrill Lynch involve Corporate and Institutional Client Group, Private Client Group and Merrill Lynch Investment managers businesses. The Corporate And Institutional Client Group is a business segment that provides its clients with comprehensive investment banking, financing and related products and services to the corporations, institutional clients and to the sovereign government throughout the world. The activities of the segment are carried out through the network of subsidiaries such as Merrill lynch, Pierce, Fenner and smith incorporation and through other subsidiaries that are outside the United States of America. Private Client Group is a business segment that provides its products and services that are the accumulation and management of wealth. It also involves brokerage, dealer and related activities. It also deals with the provision of banking, retirement, investment and custody services, business financial services, trust services as well as the mortgage lending and related activities. Merrill Lynch Investment is a segment that deals with the rationalized asset management activities that are conducted through the MLIM brand name which is a principal subsidiary that is involved in the investment business. Its assets amounted to over $557 billion as at 2007 (Grant and Neupert 175). The financial services of the company are provided to the clients through using its subsidiaries and affiliates that participate with the facilitation and consummation of the single transactions of the company. This organizational structure of the company ensures that the services of the company are delivered to the clients so as to enhance its growth and development. Organizational chart refers to the graphical representation of an organization that shows its hierarchical authority and relationship that exists between the department and jobs carried out within the organization. The structural segment of Merrill Lynch involves implementing an administrative structure of the company that assists the company in solving some of the problems that it is faced with. The mananagement of the company come up with the goals of the company. Carrying out an external macro environment analysis, defining the structures and the lines of authority are the basic reasons for undertaking the four framework analysis. Finance, marketing, administration, human resources and the research & development department are the main functional processes of the company. Finance department is concerned with all the financial transactions of the business, thus all the expenses and incomes of the company are recorded here. Measurement of the financial performance of the company is done in this department. The functions of controlling and monitoring of all the finances of the company are done in this department and also making sure that enough money is available for the recurrent expenditures of the company. Financial

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The economic crisis and Hospitality Industry in EU Essay Example for Free

The economic crisis and Hospitality Industry in EU Essay The report prepared on the Economic crisis and the hospitality industry in Europe, is an attempt to have an insight on the major reasons responsible for the economic crisis in the European Hospitality sector. It also takes the attentions towards the effective and strong measures taken by the Nation at the EU level and the national level to survive during the bad economy time. It was identified that the option of reducing their operating costs was one of major strategies followed by the enterprises in the tourism sector of Europe, along with this the economic crisis gave a strong reason for the small enterprises to review their business methodologies so as to be able to manage their business during the crisis period and also to increase the ratio of their profitability in the future times to come. The European Hospitality sector has survived in the year 2009 and it is pacing towards the recovery path in the current year. Studies reveal that the European hospitality industry will be able to stabilise itself by year 2011 and it is sure that Europe will definitely be able to bring back its economy as they all stand united at times of need. Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said â€Å"Yes, Europe has the unity, the confidence and determination to win this battle†. Introduction Global economy crisis has left no sector untouched but it can be argued and debated over that the most adversely affected sector in Europe is the entertainment and tourism sector. In other words, we can straight away state that Europe’s Hospitality industry is the most badly hit sector in the economic crisis. The prime reason related with this is that the leisure and tourism get immediately and easily affected with the economic fluctuations going on in any country or location. Almost all the travel activities require an optimal amount of expenditure to be made by an individual for the fun, entertainment and relaxation of his family or friends and people are comfortable spending money for fun only at the favourable economic times. At the time of recession or the economic crisis, they would rather prefer to save their money for the unforeseen hard times that they might have to face in their future time to come. Thus they might consider saving their extra money for their basic necessities like shelter, food and other family requirements. Although, this does not mean that people stop travelling completely but their frequency of travelling might get a bit down because of the economic fluctuation and the tourists and travellers might adapt the idea of spending bit less on travel than their planned expenditure. Experts state that the tourism and hospitality business that can adapt to the situation that they can provide the best quality of services and customer satisfaction on a tighter budget too can only survive at the time of economic crisis. There is a possibility that the customers/travellers do not expect luxurious kind of services but would be interested if they get the low cost services and this fundamental fits perfectly to the airline and the hospitality industry of Europe, too. Trevor J Ward, Managing Director, W Hospitality Group, told that there has been a loss of confidence in the whole banking system in Europe, which has reduced lending to businesses and individuals, and this reduction in credit is affecting businesses and consumers alike. The fall in the house prices has affected the other business activities and consumer spending too and it has in a way affected the European hotel industry. HOTREC (Confederation of the National Hotel and Restaurant Associations in the EC) HOTREC is the name for the trade association of hotels, restaurants and cafes in Europe. They have combined together 40 national hospitality associations in around 24 countries across Europe. European hospitality industry comprises of almost 9. 5 million workers having network of Around 1. 7 million enterprises. HOTREC works towards the objective to promote the hospitality industry in Europe. Their motive of execution is to create more number of jobs for the European people and thus boost the economy of Europe by enabling the hotels, restaurants and cafes to create more job opportunities. HOTREC works extensively towards achieving a competitive and stable tourism industry in Europe. All the policies are made and implemented by HOTREC with the vision to encourage the creation of environment positive for the development of the hospitality sector. The Economic crisis and the hospitality industry The economic crisis has left no sector untouched and so the European hospitality industry is no less affected with this economic crisis. There are various zones or segments of the tourism industry that has got badly hit with this crisis. It has directly affected the business travels which were quite frequent in Europe and was a key contributor in the profit earning of the European hotels and cafes but with this crisis the industry has seen tremendous fall down in the business travel of the people coming to Europe. Not only the business travels, but the business events like the conferences, the presentations and the seminars which were quite in trend in Europe also got severely affected with the economic crisis and this again has brought the profitability graph of the European Hotels and cafes. It is true that the although the industry has experienced a slowdown in the business travels and the business events, people are still trying to figure out the best deals in the lowest possible rates that fit to their budget and serve their purpose too as they are able to let their business function smoothly irrespective of this economic crisis. They also try to find out the hotels which can provide them with the basic services without asking them to pay a hefty amount for their stay in the hotel. In a survey conducted by DLA PIPER 2009, the respondents were asked the major reasons for their lack of confidence in the Europeans hospitality industry during this economic crisis and the survey consisted of a couple of questionnaires like the Struggling European economy, Lack of liquidity, Current operating performance of hotels, Time and cost restraints on consumer travel, Reduced business travel, Lack of confidence in Europe’s political leaders, Struggling US economy etc. Around 43% of the people considered lack of liquidity and almost 33% considered the struggling European economy to be the major contributors to the rapid downfall in the confidence level. A study stated that out of many other reasons required to cope up with the effect of economic crisis in the hospitality industry in Europe the low cost of credit can be considered to be an effective step fighting against the crisis of funds and it is believed that the European commercial banks will be the most active type of lender in the European hospitality industry in the coming year as they will work towards lowering their cost of credit and thus it will be beneficial to the hospitality sector which is struggling due to the economic crisis. Data about European Hospitality industry This question is of major concern that that how long will this economic crisis go and how will all the European sectors survive in this bad economy when the entire world is getting affected with this global economic crisis. Despite other sectors, the European hotel industry is getting severely hit with this crisis and this can be well understood by the data illustrated below. An analysis done by IMF, stated that Europe’s biggest economy, Germany will get severely affected during this crisis with a 5. 6-percent GDP decline in 2009 and a 1. 0-percent dip in 2010, while the GDP in the euro area, completely is expected to be going down to 4. 2 percent in 2009 and 0. 4 percent in 2010. The data reveals that the GDP rate will go down by 1. 5% in last quarter of the year as compared to the third quarter which is definitely a sign of concern and effective steps required to be taken to come out of this problem. Talking about the unemployment figures in the European hospitality sector in the year 2009, as compared to the numbers of year 2008, the statistics show that there will be a rise in the unemployment from 6,8% to 7,6% in EU27 and it will go up from 7,2% to 8,2% in Euro area. It is a matter of great concern and worry for the government of any country when they are experiencing a steady downfall in their GDP and their graph of unemployment is going high in any of its business sectors and that calls for the time when they all need to unite together to fight against this severe crisis as this is the indication of a very big crisis for that particular nation and the data clearly states that Europe is struggling badly with this situation and needs remedial measures which are effective enough to bring Europe’s hospitality industry to come out of this situation. The data also describes that there has been a visible drop in the European economic sentiment indicator which is also an important reason of the low confidence in the European hospitality industry. Figures state that the Economic Sentiment indicator, in short termed as ESI went down by 2. 2 points while it was earlier stable at 61. 0 points during Janaury-09 –February 09 in EU27. While it went down from 65. 4 points to 63. 6 points thus showing a downfall of 1,8 points in the Euro area. When the entire globe is suffering from this problem of recession and bad economy, Europe is also facing the hit back in the tourism industry. A study revealed that the tourism prospects in the year 2009, for European cities will be a stage of stagnation or it may even go down by around 3% than the earlier times and figures. A survey conducted by Deloitte and Touche on the European hotels revealed that the occupancy rate of rooms in the hotels of Europe went down from 69. 3% in the year 2007 to 66. 9% in the year 2008. Although all the major cities of Europe have suffered due to this crisis but the most badly affected cities are Rome, Dublin and Prague. According to the Eurobarometer survey conducted on the 27,000 tourists coming to 27 EU countries for their holidays with family and friends in the year 2009 , the study reflected that around 1/3 of the people stated that there has been a drastic change in the plans which they make for their travel and leisure by decreasing their accommodation cost budget, out of which around 38% belonged to the category of completely swiping out the option of going to Europe for their holidays, others stated that there will be no change in their cost of accommodation budget due to this economic crisis. The study also stated that to fight against this crisis and still not completely go away with their idea of going on holidays, they would rather do little bit of adjustments and comprises to fit the holiday budget to their pocket. 15% of the surveyors stated that they would save on accommodation, 23% mentioned that they would prefer to go on vacation in the low season when the prices will automatically come down and they do not need to cut down on their estimated budget, 23% mentioned that they would try to cut down on their restaurant expenses and 30% mentioned to cut down their shopping budget to manage their vacation and enjoy with their families and friends. Economic Crisis with low confidence The Economic crisis when followed with the lowering of confidence in any sector becomes a reason of great concern and worry for the government of any nation and the situations like this needs an immediate attention and plan of action as if it is not dealt in time it may lead to adverse consequences for the economy of any nation. Such thing was experienced by the European hospitality industry in the year 2009. The data gathered by DLA Piper 2009, Europe Hospitality Outlook survey on the reasons of low confidence on the European hospitality industry during the time of economic crisis were found to be Struggling European economy, current operating performance of hotels, time and cost restraints on consumer travel, Lack of liquidity (debt or equity), Struggling US economy, Reduced business travel and last but not the least Lack of confidence in Europe’s political leaders. A survey done by DLA Piper’s 2009 Europe Hospitality Outlook Survey stated that almost 84 % of participants consider the European hospitality market to be bearish. Majority of the participants of the survey did not expect the European hospitality industry to come back to its original state until year 2011. Almost 70% of the people have cut down on their business travel due to the economic crisis. The survey also tried to gather numbers regarding the investment options in the European hotel industry and it found that around 71% of respondents believe that investment in Sustainable hotel development is a long-term trend. And there is a widespread risk of bankruptcy for European hotel chains. The major concern of the participants was the clause passed by EU Parliament regarding the potential removal of an EU country’s right to opt-out from the Working Time Directive which limits to an employee’s working hours to forty eight hours only. They mentioned this to be a very strong reason to put a negative impact on the European hospitality industry. Recovery Plans of European Hospitality Industry It is a fact that the European hospitality industry, along with the other sectors has suffered major setbacks in the year 2009 due to the economic crisis and this can be well described and understood by the data gathered by DLA Piper 2009, Europe Hospitality Outlook survey. The survey revealed that almost 84% of the participants mentioned the European hospitality market to be the bearish one when queried regarding their confidence in the European economy they stated Expected rebound of European economy, Foreign investment in European market, Abundance of equity capital available for investment, Expected rebound of US economy, Investment opportunities created by financial crisis and Confidence in Europe’s political leaders as the factors that in any situation will let the European hospitality industry come out of any such crisis in the present time and in the future times to come. European hospitality industry along with the major tourism associations like WTTC, UNWTO, HOTREC and PASTA are quite optimistic towards the idea that European hospitality sector will be able to cope up with this economic crisis and will easily survive this hard economic time. European tourism sector has faced a lot of obstacles till the time it has reached the 21st Century and developed such face of tourism for the entire world. Although, it is a true fact that this sector will go through hard times in the next coming months but the enterprises which are flexible enough to adapt to the required business model and plan their strategies keeping in mind the existing scenario will easily be able to survive and develop a strong platform for their existence in the long run in the European Hospitality industry. The recovery plan to successfully face the problem of economic crisis has been divided into a few segments or divisions so as to leave no stone unturned to fight with this scenario and bring back the economy to its stable state. It was segmented as 1. Recovery at EU level 2. Recovery at National Level We will discuss in brief the steps and measures taken at both the levels to beat the Economic crisis. 1. Recovery at EU level The European government considered dealing with the economic crisis quite seriously and so they planned the various meetings of the EU heads of State. They all mutually agreed upon following three lines of actions so as to come out of this situation. First one was to promote the financial stability in such a way that the confidence level of the people gets a boost again on the government along with the European Economy which is badly affected with the economic crisis. Second plan of action was to get the real economy to the shape where it was earlier, and third one was the most important one. It was to stay tightly united to fight against the crisis and to work together at the global level. The third measure sounded bit simple to sate but it was the most effective plan of action to get out of such a critical situation. Several measures were taken by the Government at the EU level out of which one measure specifically taken by the EU state with regards to the hospitality industry was to change the existing VAT Rate system. The new provision stated that all the member states will be granted the permission to apply for a reduced VAT Rate for the restaurant services. The current provision had this option to only 11 members so now this will be applicable to all the member states in EU.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Formalism in Art and Design

Formalism in Art and Design When thinking about formalism there is a larger perceived concept in society about this movement; there are many different types of formalism present in civilization which includes formalism in law, science, and art and design etc. This essay will focus on formalism in art and design specifically and certain questions will be answered to make the subject clear; what is formalism? How does formalism differ from other processes in art making? Why is this art movement so important to design? What era and movement in art do we specifically ascribe formalism to? This essay will also include three pictures that subscribe notions of formalism and will be briefly discussed. Each of these questions will be examined and answered to clarify the concept of formalism to a person who is not familiar with this movement. FORMALISM What is formalism? Many people believe that formalism only focuses on the form of an artwork or design which is not necessarily accurate because according to Wolf; formalism is the balance of certain elements in a design or painting. Formalism has a specific approach of art criticism and hypothesis to which all visual art has a fundamental importance. This importance is determined by the artists ability to accomplish a visual order and the balance of certain elements reality within a painting or image. These elements reality are the painting or image use of colour, line, composition and texture. No matter how much artistic technique and taste may transform over a period of time, formalism holds that these realities are constant (Wolf, 2009:[sp]). There is a theory developed of formalism that the object can stand on its own based on its construction significance according to Nelingburg; that formalism is art for the sake of art (Nelingburg, 2011: [sp]). Platos Theory of form When looking at Platos Theory of Form, it is a theory that can be used to assist with the understanding of formalism. The philosopher, Plato developed a Theory of Forms based on the proposal of eidos, which basically means stature or appearance. Plato applied the phrase generally in his diverse dialogues to propose a rudimentary general language. Every earthly object; a tangible object (like a chair) or abstract object (like human asset), has a mutual characteristic; all of the objects have form. Platos hypothesis is better understood when looking at his Allegory of the Cave; he visualises a cave which held captive prisoners who had never left the cave, all the prisoners could see were workers shadows cast on the cave walls, and all they could hear were the voices echoing in the cave. This is all that the prisoners knew about the outside world, so they perceived the voices and shadows as actual forms of real objects and were absolutely unaware that the forms were just mimicries of th e genuine things. Plato stated that the prisoners perception of objects was not false; because of their understanding of the world; by their understanding of the world, the shadows and echoes were the actual forms, just as a painting of a woman is as real, if not more real, than the actual woman who is depicted on the canvas. (Wolf, 2009:[sp]). The people imagined to be trapped in the cave have no idea of what the world looks like, so by just seeing the shadows and hearing the noises, this is all they will ever experience from the outside world, this is what is real to them because they have not been exposed to anything else. How does formalism differ from other processes in art making? The starting point of formalism is deeply ingrained in ancient thought, for they believed that the cosmos is ruled by numerical association, or in the concept of form as inelegant quality of things, imposed upon or intrinsic and these ideas were applied to art (Williams, 2009: [sp]). Formalists only concentrated on formal assets of works of art and assume that these forms follow their own development (Hatt, Klonk, 2006: 66). This shows the different believes that the formalist had about the art and how they applied this to the art process. One of the characteristics of formalism is that the artist was concerned with the manner of perception of the forms in the absence of any connotation. Kant proposes it that formalism refers to assets of seeing of objects (Crysler Cairns Heynen, 2012: [sp]). Where as in other movements is art such as Art Nuevo form was not that important, artists were more concerned with the decoration of the design and this was where mass production first occurre d. It is said that this era was the first time that modern civilisation used mechanism to construct designs (Wolf, 2009:[sp]). Why is formalism important to design? As stated above (What is formalism) that formalism focus on the importance of balancing elements in a design, (Wolf, 2009: [sp]); this aspect is applicable when looking at the design process of today, the use of elements will determine the principles which if the design achieves balance, it represents formalist characteristic. The theory of formalism states that it places emphasis on the design value; this theory implies that the most essential aspect of a work of art or design is the successful arrangement of the elements through the principles of design (Kjeria, 2008: [sp]). According to these points, if a design does not use the balance of elements, the design will not be successful and this is where formalism influenced the designing method of today. What era and movement is formalism ascribed to? It is claimed that within the early decades of 20th century there was an apprehension for formal qualities known as the formalism movement, it has been seen as the characteristic of art criticism (Schechter, [sa]: 261). The movement that formalism can be recognized to is modernism since much of the research done on formalism is connected with the modernism movement. The implement of artistic freedom became essential to progressive modernism; artists began to search for freedom not just from the rules of scholastic art, but from the demands of the community. Quickly it was claimed that art should not be made for the publics sake but for arts sake. The term art for art sake is also used (mentioned in previous paragraph) to describe modernism, this states that a call for discharge from the oppression of meaning and intention. Witcombe declared it a developing modernists point of view, that the meaning of the creation was an additional implement of freedom. It is also said to be a plot, another intentional disrespect towards the middle class responsiveness which demanded art with meaning or it had some reason such as instruct or pleasure and usually to reflect in some way their own focused and purpose-full world (Witcombe, 1997: [sp]). This quote; art for art sake is mention by Witcombe and Nelingburg, thus it may imply that there are subtle similarities between formalism and modernism. Modernism vs. Formalism The 20th century has focused its artistic awareness on progressive modernism to the extent that conformist modernism has been abandoned and derides as an art form. It is speculated that modernism art is practised completely within a closed formalist speciality, essentially detached from, not to be infected by the real world. In particular, abstraction, formalism could adopt the advantages of the progressives, who used it in justification of modernism, which has been particularly open to criticism. In the early 20th century, formalism was also efficiently united with other objectives of progressive modernism, universalism (Witcombe, 1997: [sp]). It can be assumed that the formalist and modernist movements were infused with each other in order to be seen as an art movement; they both needed each other to have subsisted. Formalist artworks Dare two In this artwork the artist used several elements to create a balance in the composition, which is what formalism portrays; the artist commemorates the new direction in geometrical abstraction and spiritual associations. The other element used in this piece was colour, it has reflection towards movements such as Neo Geo and formalism gives way to underlining perceptive progression and the enjoyment of art making (2012: [sp]). Repetition is also seen in the art; by repeating the colours, line and forms, this principle creates a unifying feature to the art as whole. By using some of the elements and principles in a balancing method the viewer can distinguish that it has a formalistic value. According to Dictionary.com, the definition of abstract is: thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances, this artwork also has these qualities of abstract art which can also be classified as abstract formalism. Untitled For Joel Shapiro (the artist) form is the most important characteristic of this untitled sculpture, according to Nelingburg, form was essential to the artist because emphasise of the sculpture is based on its physical structure and form, the sculpture relies on abstraction. There is a lot of awareness brought on the figures based on the materials that were used and the colours that make them, but the main focus is the shape and what they symbolize since it portrays the human body (Nelingburg, 2011:[sp]). By looking at the characteristics of the figure, it can be assumed that the artist successfully used the elements that are present in the model in an equal way, but in this case the form was the most important element present because it is a sculpture. As stated above (what is formalism), according to Nelingburg, there is a presumption developed that an artwork can stand on its own foundation based on aesthetic values, when specifically looking at formalistic sculptures (2011: [sp]). Friendly Formalism S. Stratton and J. M. Ward, art critics express that Ps Qs as friendly formalism, the artwork flirts with the rigidity of the 20th century formalism, but gives it a current 21th century twist. This artwork is described as playful, which is definitely far more cherished and forthcoming than the canonical mid-century artworks that are connected with the formalist philosopher Clement Greenbergs theories: works of art are colourful, relish their acquisitiveness, and opposed to the hard-edged perfectionism have a propensity to be associated with Piet Mondrian and Le Corbusiers designs (Pittman, 2010:[sp]). By looking at these aspects mentioned by Stratton and Ward, it is clear that this painting unquestionably has formalism virtues, because of the elements used such as colour, line, forms which creates the principles that are associated with the painting. The main element used there was the forms that are presented and the cold colours, all of these characteristics declared that this art work represents formalism. This artwork can also be classified as abstract formalism because the main idea of the piece is left to the imagination. Conclusion Formalism was a movement that wanted to create artworks just because of arts sake; it was about the artistic skill of how the artists balance certain elements in the art to accomplish balance. The movement can also be redefined by Platos theory, so that it can be understood when not grasping the concept of formalism as a movement. Formalism has its own characteristics and so does many other art movements, which is why formalism is unique and uses its own art development when creating a design or artwork by using certain elements and using them equally to accomplish balance. By knowing what the characteristics of formalism are, it is easy to see why formalism had such a great impact on current designs and artworks. Although formalism was present in the early 20th century and was mostly connected with modernism, these aspects of formalism and even modernism is still seen in designs and artworks of the modern day. Especially the artworks mentioned in this essay, all three of these paint ings and the sculpture are works of art that were created in the 21th century, all of the pieces have formalist qualities and characteristics even though they were not produced too long ago. Formalism is a delicate movement since it is complicated generates an artwork by balancing the elements equally and producing a piece that stands for art for the sake of art. Each question that was mentioned in the introduction was acknowledged and discussed in this essay, the questions of formalism became obvious to the reader; therefore knowing what formalism entails.