Thursday, October 31, 2019

Institutional Analysis Merrill Lynch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Institutional Analysis Merrill Lynch - Essay Example The organizational structure of the company is a functional structure .This is because it is divided into three businesses. The business segments of Merrill Lynch involve Corporate and Institutional Client Group, Private Client Group and Merrill Lynch Investment managers businesses. The Corporate And Institutional Client Group is a business segment that provides its clients with comprehensive investment banking, financing and related products and services to the corporations, institutional clients and to the sovereign government throughout the world. The activities of the segment are carried out through the network of subsidiaries such as Merrill lynch, Pierce, Fenner and smith incorporation and through other subsidiaries that are outside the United States of America. Private Client Group is a business segment that provides its products and services that are the accumulation and management of wealth. It also involves brokerage, dealer and related activities. It also deals with the provision of banking, retirement, investment and custody services, business financial services, trust services as well as the mortgage lending and related activities. Merrill Lynch Investment is a segment that deals with the rationalized asset management activities that are conducted through the MLIM brand name which is a principal subsidiary that is involved in the investment business. Its assets amounted to over $557 billion as at 2007 (Grant and Neupert 175). The financial services of the company are provided to the clients through using its subsidiaries and affiliates that participate with the facilitation and consummation of the single transactions of the company. This organizational structure of the company ensures that the services of the company are delivered to the clients so as to enhance its growth and development. Organizational chart refers to the graphical representation of an organization that shows its hierarchical authority and relationship that exists between the department and jobs carried out within the organization. The structural segment of Merrill Lynch involves implementing an administrative structure of the company that assists the company in solving some of the problems that it is faced with. The mananagement of the company come up with the goals of the company. Carrying out an external macro environment analysis, defining the structures and the lines of authority are the basic reasons for undertaking the four framework analysis. Finance, marketing, administration, human resources and the research & development department are the main functional processes of the company. Finance department is concerned with all the financial transactions of the business, thus all the expenses and incomes of the company are recorded here. Measurement of the financial performance of the company is done in this department. The functions of controlling and monitoring of all the finances of the company are done in this department and also making sure that enough money is available for the recurrent expenditures of the company. Financial

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The economic crisis and Hospitality Industry in EU Essay Example for Free

The economic crisis and Hospitality Industry in EU Essay The report prepared on the Economic crisis and the hospitality industry in Europe, is an attempt to have an insight on the major reasons responsible for the economic crisis in the European Hospitality sector. It also takes the attentions towards the effective and strong measures taken by the Nation at the EU level and the national level to survive during the bad economy time. It was identified that the option of reducing their operating costs was one of major strategies followed by the enterprises in the tourism sector of Europe, along with this the economic crisis gave a strong reason for the small enterprises to review their business methodologies so as to be able to manage their business during the crisis period and also to increase the ratio of their profitability in the future times to come. The European Hospitality sector has survived in the year 2009 and it is pacing towards the recovery path in the current year. Studies reveal that the European hospitality industry will be able to stabilise itself by year 2011 and it is sure that Europe will definitely be able to bring back its economy as they all stand united at times of need. Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said â€Å"Yes, Europe has the unity, the confidence and determination to win this battle†. Introduction Global economy crisis has left no sector untouched but it can be argued and debated over that the most adversely affected sector in Europe is the entertainment and tourism sector. In other words, we can straight away state that Europe’s Hospitality industry is the most badly hit sector in the economic crisis. The prime reason related with this is that the leisure and tourism get immediately and easily affected with the economic fluctuations going on in any country or location. Almost all the travel activities require an optimal amount of expenditure to be made by an individual for the fun, entertainment and relaxation of his family or friends and people are comfortable spending money for fun only at the favourable economic times. At the time of recession or the economic crisis, they would rather prefer to save their money for the unforeseen hard times that they might have to face in their future time to come. Thus they might consider saving their extra money for their basic necessities like shelter, food and other family requirements. Although, this does not mean that people stop travelling completely but their frequency of travelling might get a bit down because of the economic fluctuation and the tourists and travellers might adapt the idea of spending bit less on travel than their planned expenditure. Experts state that the tourism and hospitality business that can adapt to the situation that they can provide the best quality of services and customer satisfaction on a tighter budget too can only survive at the time of economic crisis. There is a possibility that the customers/travellers do not expect luxurious kind of services but would be interested if they get the low cost services and this fundamental fits perfectly to the airline and the hospitality industry of Europe, too. Trevor J Ward, Managing Director, W Hospitality Group, told that there has been a loss of confidence in the whole banking system in Europe, which has reduced lending to businesses and individuals, and this reduction in credit is affecting businesses and consumers alike. The fall in the house prices has affected the other business activities and consumer spending too and it has in a way affected the European hotel industry. HOTREC (Confederation of the National Hotel and Restaurant Associations in the EC) HOTREC is the name for the trade association of hotels, restaurants and cafes in Europe. They have combined together 40 national hospitality associations in around 24 countries across Europe. European hospitality industry comprises of almost 9. 5 million workers having network of Around 1. 7 million enterprises. HOTREC works towards the objective to promote the hospitality industry in Europe. Their motive of execution is to create more number of jobs for the European people and thus boost the economy of Europe by enabling the hotels, restaurants and cafes to create more job opportunities. HOTREC works extensively towards achieving a competitive and stable tourism industry in Europe. All the policies are made and implemented by HOTREC with the vision to encourage the creation of environment positive for the development of the hospitality sector. The Economic crisis and the hospitality industry The economic crisis has left no sector untouched and so the European hospitality industry is no less affected with this economic crisis. There are various zones or segments of the tourism industry that has got badly hit with this crisis. It has directly affected the business travels which were quite frequent in Europe and was a key contributor in the profit earning of the European hotels and cafes but with this crisis the industry has seen tremendous fall down in the business travel of the people coming to Europe. Not only the business travels, but the business events like the conferences, the presentations and the seminars which were quite in trend in Europe also got severely affected with the economic crisis and this again has brought the profitability graph of the European Hotels and cafes. It is true that the although the industry has experienced a slowdown in the business travels and the business events, people are still trying to figure out the best deals in the lowest possible rates that fit to their budget and serve their purpose too as they are able to let their business function smoothly irrespective of this economic crisis. They also try to find out the hotels which can provide them with the basic services without asking them to pay a hefty amount for their stay in the hotel. In a survey conducted by DLA PIPER 2009, the respondents were asked the major reasons for their lack of confidence in the Europeans hospitality industry during this economic crisis and the survey consisted of a couple of questionnaires like the Struggling European economy, Lack of liquidity, Current operating performance of hotels, Time and cost restraints on consumer travel, Reduced business travel, Lack of confidence in Europe’s political leaders, Struggling US economy etc. Around 43% of the people considered lack of liquidity and almost 33% considered the struggling European economy to be the major contributors to the rapid downfall in the confidence level. A study stated that out of many other reasons required to cope up with the effect of economic crisis in the hospitality industry in Europe the low cost of credit can be considered to be an effective step fighting against the crisis of funds and it is believed that the European commercial banks will be the most active type of lender in the European hospitality industry in the coming year as they will work towards lowering their cost of credit and thus it will be beneficial to the hospitality sector which is struggling due to the economic crisis. Data about European Hospitality industry This question is of major concern that that how long will this economic crisis go and how will all the European sectors survive in this bad economy when the entire world is getting affected with this global economic crisis. Despite other sectors, the European hotel industry is getting severely hit with this crisis and this can be well understood by the data illustrated below. An analysis done by IMF, stated that Europe’s biggest economy, Germany will get severely affected during this crisis with a 5. 6-percent GDP decline in 2009 and a 1. 0-percent dip in 2010, while the GDP in the euro area, completely is expected to be going down to 4. 2 percent in 2009 and 0. 4 percent in 2010. The data reveals that the GDP rate will go down by 1. 5% in last quarter of the year as compared to the third quarter which is definitely a sign of concern and effective steps required to be taken to come out of this problem. Talking about the unemployment figures in the European hospitality sector in the year 2009, as compared to the numbers of year 2008, the statistics show that there will be a rise in the unemployment from 6,8% to 7,6% in EU27 and it will go up from 7,2% to 8,2% in Euro area. It is a matter of great concern and worry for the government of any country when they are experiencing a steady downfall in their GDP and their graph of unemployment is going high in any of its business sectors and that calls for the time when they all need to unite together to fight against this severe crisis as this is the indication of a very big crisis for that particular nation and the data clearly states that Europe is struggling badly with this situation and needs remedial measures which are effective enough to bring Europe’s hospitality industry to come out of this situation. The data also describes that there has been a visible drop in the European economic sentiment indicator which is also an important reason of the low confidence in the European hospitality industry. Figures state that the Economic Sentiment indicator, in short termed as ESI went down by 2. 2 points while it was earlier stable at 61. 0 points during Janaury-09 –February 09 in EU27. While it went down from 65. 4 points to 63. 6 points thus showing a downfall of 1,8 points in the Euro area. When the entire globe is suffering from this problem of recession and bad economy, Europe is also facing the hit back in the tourism industry. A study revealed that the tourism prospects in the year 2009, for European cities will be a stage of stagnation or it may even go down by around 3% than the earlier times and figures. A survey conducted by Deloitte and Touche on the European hotels revealed that the occupancy rate of rooms in the hotels of Europe went down from 69. 3% in the year 2007 to 66. 9% in the year 2008. Although all the major cities of Europe have suffered due to this crisis but the most badly affected cities are Rome, Dublin and Prague. According to the Eurobarometer survey conducted on the 27,000 tourists coming to 27 EU countries for their holidays with family and friends in the year 2009 , the study reflected that around 1/3 of the people stated that there has been a drastic change in the plans which they make for their travel and leisure by decreasing their accommodation cost budget, out of which around 38% belonged to the category of completely swiping out the option of going to Europe for their holidays, others stated that there will be no change in their cost of accommodation budget due to this economic crisis. The study also stated that to fight against this crisis and still not completely go away with their idea of going on holidays, they would rather do little bit of adjustments and comprises to fit the holiday budget to their pocket. 15% of the surveyors stated that they would save on accommodation, 23% mentioned that they would prefer to go on vacation in the low season when the prices will automatically come down and they do not need to cut down on their estimated budget, 23% mentioned that they would try to cut down on their restaurant expenses and 30% mentioned to cut down their shopping budget to manage their vacation and enjoy with their families and friends. Economic Crisis with low confidence The Economic crisis when followed with the lowering of confidence in any sector becomes a reason of great concern and worry for the government of any nation and the situations like this needs an immediate attention and plan of action as if it is not dealt in time it may lead to adverse consequences for the economy of any nation. Such thing was experienced by the European hospitality industry in the year 2009. The data gathered by DLA Piper 2009, Europe Hospitality Outlook survey on the reasons of low confidence on the European hospitality industry during the time of economic crisis were found to be Struggling European economy, current operating performance of hotels, time and cost restraints on consumer travel, Lack of liquidity (debt or equity), Struggling US economy, Reduced business travel and last but not the least Lack of confidence in Europe’s political leaders. A survey done by DLA Piper’s 2009 Europe Hospitality Outlook Survey stated that almost 84 % of participants consider the European hospitality market to be bearish. Majority of the participants of the survey did not expect the European hospitality industry to come back to its original state until year 2011. Almost 70% of the people have cut down on their business travel due to the economic crisis. The survey also tried to gather numbers regarding the investment options in the European hotel industry and it found that around 71% of respondents believe that investment in Sustainable hotel development is a long-term trend. And there is a widespread risk of bankruptcy for European hotel chains. The major concern of the participants was the clause passed by EU Parliament regarding the potential removal of an EU country’s right to opt-out from the Working Time Directive which limits to an employee’s working hours to forty eight hours only. They mentioned this to be a very strong reason to put a negative impact on the European hospitality industry. Recovery Plans of European Hospitality Industry It is a fact that the European hospitality industry, along with the other sectors has suffered major setbacks in the year 2009 due to the economic crisis and this can be well described and understood by the data gathered by DLA Piper 2009, Europe Hospitality Outlook survey. The survey revealed that almost 84% of the participants mentioned the European hospitality market to be the bearish one when queried regarding their confidence in the European economy they stated Expected rebound of European economy, Foreign investment in European market, Abundance of equity capital available for investment, Expected rebound of US economy, Investment opportunities created by financial crisis and Confidence in Europe’s political leaders as the factors that in any situation will let the European hospitality industry come out of any such crisis in the present time and in the future times to come. European hospitality industry along with the major tourism associations like WTTC, UNWTO, HOTREC and PASTA are quite optimistic towards the idea that European hospitality sector will be able to cope up with this economic crisis and will easily survive this hard economic time. European tourism sector has faced a lot of obstacles till the time it has reached the 21st Century and developed such face of tourism for the entire world. Although, it is a true fact that this sector will go through hard times in the next coming months but the enterprises which are flexible enough to adapt to the required business model and plan their strategies keeping in mind the existing scenario will easily be able to survive and develop a strong platform for their existence in the long run in the European Hospitality industry. The recovery plan to successfully face the problem of economic crisis has been divided into a few segments or divisions so as to leave no stone unturned to fight with this scenario and bring back the economy to its stable state. It was segmented as 1. Recovery at EU level 2. Recovery at National Level We will discuss in brief the steps and measures taken at both the levels to beat the Economic crisis. 1. Recovery at EU level The European government considered dealing with the economic crisis quite seriously and so they planned the various meetings of the EU heads of State. They all mutually agreed upon following three lines of actions so as to come out of this situation. First one was to promote the financial stability in such a way that the confidence level of the people gets a boost again on the government along with the European Economy which is badly affected with the economic crisis. Second plan of action was to get the real economy to the shape where it was earlier, and third one was the most important one. It was to stay tightly united to fight against the crisis and to work together at the global level. The third measure sounded bit simple to sate but it was the most effective plan of action to get out of such a critical situation. Several measures were taken by the Government at the EU level out of which one measure specifically taken by the EU state with regards to the hospitality industry was to change the existing VAT Rate system. The new provision stated that all the member states will be granted the permission to apply for a reduced VAT Rate for the restaurant services. The current provision had this option to only 11 members so now this will be applicable to all the member states in EU.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Formalism in Art and Design

Formalism in Art and Design When thinking about formalism there is a larger perceived concept in society about this movement; there are many different types of formalism present in civilization which includes formalism in law, science, and art and design etc. This essay will focus on formalism in art and design specifically and certain questions will be answered to make the subject clear; what is formalism? How does formalism differ from other processes in art making? Why is this art movement so important to design? What era and movement in art do we specifically ascribe formalism to? This essay will also include three pictures that subscribe notions of formalism and will be briefly discussed. Each of these questions will be examined and answered to clarify the concept of formalism to a person who is not familiar with this movement. FORMALISM What is formalism? Many people believe that formalism only focuses on the form of an artwork or design which is not necessarily accurate because according to Wolf; formalism is the balance of certain elements in a design or painting. Formalism has a specific approach of art criticism and hypothesis to which all visual art has a fundamental importance. This importance is determined by the artists ability to accomplish a visual order and the balance of certain elements reality within a painting or image. These elements reality are the painting or image use of colour, line, composition and texture. No matter how much artistic technique and taste may transform over a period of time, formalism holds that these realities are constant (Wolf, 2009:[sp]). There is a theory developed of formalism that the object can stand on its own based on its construction significance according to Nelingburg; that formalism is art for the sake of art (Nelingburg, 2011: [sp]). Platos Theory of form When looking at Platos Theory of Form, it is a theory that can be used to assist with the understanding of formalism. The philosopher, Plato developed a Theory of Forms based on the proposal of eidos, which basically means stature or appearance. Plato applied the phrase generally in his diverse dialogues to propose a rudimentary general language. Every earthly object; a tangible object (like a chair) or abstract object (like human asset), has a mutual characteristic; all of the objects have form. Platos hypothesis is better understood when looking at his Allegory of the Cave; he visualises a cave which held captive prisoners who had never left the cave, all the prisoners could see were workers shadows cast on the cave walls, and all they could hear were the voices echoing in the cave. This is all that the prisoners knew about the outside world, so they perceived the voices and shadows as actual forms of real objects and were absolutely unaware that the forms were just mimicries of th e genuine things. Plato stated that the prisoners perception of objects was not false; because of their understanding of the world; by their understanding of the world, the shadows and echoes were the actual forms, just as a painting of a woman is as real, if not more real, than the actual woman who is depicted on the canvas. (Wolf, 2009:[sp]). The people imagined to be trapped in the cave have no idea of what the world looks like, so by just seeing the shadows and hearing the noises, this is all they will ever experience from the outside world, this is what is real to them because they have not been exposed to anything else. How does formalism differ from other processes in art making? The starting point of formalism is deeply ingrained in ancient thought, for they believed that the cosmos is ruled by numerical association, or in the concept of form as inelegant quality of things, imposed upon or intrinsic and these ideas were applied to art (Williams, 2009: [sp]). Formalists only concentrated on formal assets of works of art and assume that these forms follow their own development (Hatt, Klonk, 2006: 66). This shows the different believes that the formalist had about the art and how they applied this to the art process. One of the characteristics of formalism is that the artist was concerned with the manner of perception of the forms in the absence of any connotation. Kant proposes it that formalism refers to assets of seeing of objects (Crysler Cairns Heynen, 2012: [sp]). Where as in other movements is art such as Art Nuevo form was not that important, artists were more concerned with the decoration of the design and this was where mass production first occurre d. It is said that this era was the first time that modern civilisation used mechanism to construct designs (Wolf, 2009:[sp]). Why is formalism important to design? As stated above (What is formalism) that formalism focus on the importance of balancing elements in a design, (Wolf, 2009: [sp]); this aspect is applicable when looking at the design process of today, the use of elements will determine the principles which if the design achieves balance, it represents formalist characteristic. The theory of formalism states that it places emphasis on the design value; this theory implies that the most essential aspect of a work of art or design is the successful arrangement of the elements through the principles of design (Kjeria, 2008: [sp]). According to these points, if a design does not use the balance of elements, the design will not be successful and this is where formalism influenced the designing method of today. What era and movement is formalism ascribed to? It is claimed that within the early decades of 20th century there was an apprehension for formal qualities known as the formalism movement, it has been seen as the characteristic of art criticism (Schechter, [sa]: 261). The movement that formalism can be recognized to is modernism since much of the research done on formalism is connected with the modernism movement. The implement of artistic freedom became essential to progressive modernism; artists began to search for freedom not just from the rules of scholastic art, but from the demands of the community. Quickly it was claimed that art should not be made for the publics sake but for arts sake. The term art for art sake is also used (mentioned in previous paragraph) to describe modernism, this states that a call for discharge from the oppression of meaning and intention. Witcombe declared it a developing modernists point of view, that the meaning of the creation was an additional implement of freedom. It is also said to be a plot, another intentional disrespect towards the middle class responsiveness which demanded art with meaning or it had some reason such as instruct or pleasure and usually to reflect in some way their own focused and purpose-full world (Witcombe, 1997: [sp]). This quote; art for art sake is mention by Witcombe and Nelingburg, thus it may imply that there are subtle similarities between formalism and modernism. Modernism vs. Formalism The 20th century has focused its artistic awareness on progressive modernism to the extent that conformist modernism has been abandoned and derides as an art form. It is speculated that modernism art is practised completely within a closed formalist speciality, essentially detached from, not to be infected by the real world. In particular, abstraction, formalism could adopt the advantages of the progressives, who used it in justification of modernism, which has been particularly open to criticism. In the early 20th century, formalism was also efficiently united with other objectives of progressive modernism, universalism (Witcombe, 1997: [sp]). It can be assumed that the formalist and modernist movements were infused with each other in order to be seen as an art movement; they both needed each other to have subsisted. Formalist artworks Dare two In this artwork the artist used several elements to create a balance in the composition, which is what formalism portrays; the artist commemorates the new direction in geometrical abstraction and spiritual associations. The other element used in this piece was colour, it has reflection towards movements such as Neo Geo and formalism gives way to underlining perceptive progression and the enjoyment of art making (2012: [sp]). Repetition is also seen in the art; by repeating the colours, line and forms, this principle creates a unifying feature to the art as whole. By using some of the elements and principles in a balancing method the viewer can distinguish that it has a formalistic value. According to, the definition of abstract is: thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances, this artwork also has these qualities of abstract art which can also be classified as abstract formalism. Untitled For Joel Shapiro (the artist) form is the most important characteristic of this untitled sculpture, according to Nelingburg, form was essential to the artist because emphasise of the sculpture is based on its physical structure and form, the sculpture relies on abstraction. There is a lot of awareness brought on the figures based on the materials that were used and the colours that make them, but the main focus is the shape and what they symbolize since it portrays the human body (Nelingburg, 2011:[sp]). By looking at the characteristics of the figure, it can be assumed that the artist successfully used the elements that are present in the model in an equal way, but in this case the form was the most important element present because it is a sculpture. As stated above (what is formalism), according to Nelingburg, there is a presumption developed that an artwork can stand on its own foundation based on aesthetic values, when specifically looking at formalistic sculptures (2011: [sp]). Friendly Formalism S. Stratton and J. M. Ward, art critics express that Ps Qs as friendly formalism, the artwork flirts with the rigidity of the 20th century formalism, but gives it a current 21th century twist. This artwork is described as playful, which is definitely far more cherished and forthcoming than the canonical mid-century artworks that are connected with the formalist philosopher Clement Greenbergs theories: works of art are colourful, relish their acquisitiveness, and opposed to the hard-edged perfectionism have a propensity to be associated with Piet Mondrian and Le Corbusiers designs (Pittman, 2010:[sp]). By looking at these aspects mentioned by Stratton and Ward, it is clear that this painting unquestionably has formalism virtues, because of the elements used such as colour, line, forms which creates the principles that are associated with the painting. The main element used there was the forms that are presented and the cold colours, all of these characteristics declared that this art work represents formalism. This artwork can also be classified as abstract formalism because the main idea of the piece is left to the imagination. Conclusion Formalism was a movement that wanted to create artworks just because of arts sake; it was about the artistic skill of how the artists balance certain elements in the art to accomplish balance. The movement can also be redefined by Platos theory, so that it can be understood when not grasping the concept of formalism as a movement. Formalism has its own characteristics and so does many other art movements, which is why formalism is unique and uses its own art development when creating a design or artwork by using certain elements and using them equally to accomplish balance. By knowing what the characteristics of formalism are, it is easy to see why formalism had such a great impact on current designs and artworks. Although formalism was present in the early 20th century and was mostly connected with modernism, these aspects of formalism and even modernism is still seen in designs and artworks of the modern day. Especially the artworks mentioned in this essay, all three of these paint ings and the sculpture are works of art that were created in the 21th century, all of the pieces have formalist qualities and characteristics even though they were not produced too long ago. Formalism is a delicate movement since it is complicated generates an artwork by balancing the elements equally and producing a piece that stands for art for the sake of art. Each question that was mentioned in the introduction was acknowledged and discussed in this essay, the questions of formalism became obvious to the reader; therefore knowing what formalism entails.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Flaws In Germinal :: essays research papers

The Flaws in Germinal At first glance, one might say the capitalist system is righteous and it leads to more productivity, but upon discreet examination, the system has numerous flaws. As we discussed in class, one of the main flaws was the inability of the workers to advance themselves in society beyond the point of keeping food in their stomachs. One generation after another follow each other down below into the mines without cessation. First and foremost the company needs to insure that all members of the mine town have enough to eat, enough to wear, and a roof over their head. The company can possibly provide clothing and food through a ration-based system that guarantees the people will not die of starvation or frostbite. These are necessities that the company should provide even if they are in debt. The workers should also receive a salary based on performance and profits of the company. This spending money can be used for amenities or the worker can save it if he or she one day desires to move away and attempt to start a better life somewhere else. The root of the problem lies with the education the residents of the mine town receive. Children as young as seven or eight are being sent down to work in the mines when they should be starting school. If families are unable to pay for schooling a type of â€Å"indentured worker† system might work out where children can attend school for free if they agree to provide the company with a year(s) work when they become of age to work. That also brings up the issue of child labor. Children should not work until at least 16 and even then they should not be responsible for dangerous and important jobs such as securing the limbering. Another important issue concerns the rights of the workers. Workers’ unions should be set up and all should join to make sure that the company does not use and abuse the workers. Unions should unite all workers with the same profession across the region. A strike when carried out effectively will cripple the company and force them to pay higher wages.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Media corruption †other side of the coin Essay

‘Whoever controls the media, controls the mind† In today’s world, the media has become a necessity just like food, clothing, and shelter. The media was ideally designed to be impartial and unbiased – to provide information, news, and knowledge that is objective and socially constructive. Unfortunately, in recent times, because of its money making approach the media has adopted a biased approach that is benefitting politicians and the corporate leaders. Sadly, the media is known to be resorting to â€Å"Paid News† – news that is published or broadcasted to benefit a certain class of people who have huge economic power and who wield that economic power to buy â€Å"The News† in their favor. The viewer’s/readers of such â€Å"Paid News† are at such a loss with this information that lacks integrity and they can be easily misled. Actually the readers/viewers are deceived in to believing â€Å"Paid News† which is indeed misrepresentation of the truth.. Article 19 of the Constitution of India â€Å"Reach to the public† – states the right to freedom of speech and expression to media .When this freedom is misused by the media, it becomes a prime reason for media corruption, and more or less the willingness of Indian Govt. to eradicate this problem. The objective of this paper is to highlight the roots and remedies of media-corruption in India and to create awareness about the general public about the distortion of news/information by the media – to enable viewers to discern, and not be uninformed consumers of the news. Key words: necessary, money making approach, freedom.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Compare Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

In the 1960’s there was an uprising of sorts. The â€Å"black† communities were beginning to realize their constitutional rights†¦or the lack there of. There were a few bold souls that decided to take a stand, no matter what the consequences. Many know of Rosa Parks, the woman who decided to take a stand (no pun intended) on a local bus, refusing to give up her seat near the front and move to the back. Others participated at â€Å"sit in’s† inside diners labeled â€Å"whites only†. For every attempt of expressing their desire and need for equality, all efforts were shot down. There was no unity, no one to rally the hearts and minds of blacks and whites alike. But then a pastor from Montgomery Alabama leaded the largest civil rights boycott against busses to date. Through his soothing voice and outstanding charisma, Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the strongest and most influential civil rights activists. But he was not alone in his drive for equality. There were others fighting for the same cause. One of those zealots was a man named Malcolm Little (later ditched his â€Å"slave name† and picked up X to signify his lost tribal name). Both men were similar in many ways, but yet at the same time were very, very different. in his speeches Malcolm refers to himself and his followers as Black Nationalist Freedom Fighter. He viewed the â€Å"white supremacists† as enemies. In his speeches he talks about how the white politicians hired black and white promoters to go into the black neighborhoods to press the flesh for them promising false promises. His belief of Black Nationalism is that they stay away from their enemy. Create their own community and have their own politicians who have the communities’ interests at heart. If you can take notice in his speeches he is not trying to get the blacks to beg for equality or ask to end segregation. He is saying that blacks should unite together and fight against their common enemy. The philosophy of Black Nationalism can be enforced no matter what your religion, he makes points that they don’t hang you because you are Lutheran, Christian, or Muslim, they ha ng you because you are black. He states in several other occasions that these sit in’s cannot accomplish anything. They must take action to affect the crackers. He refers to the Revolution war, how the little tea boycott did not work, how the Americans were tired of being taxed and oppressed and compares it to the struggle for black rights. These are just a few points that Malcolm makes in his speeches. On the flip side, The man, Martin Luther King Jr. gives several  speeches concerning the freedom and the relief from oppression of the black people. For example, in his â€Å"I Have A Dream† Speech, 200 Thousand people, black and white, have gathered to hear the inspiring wordsof Martin Luther King Jr. He asks those gathered to ask the government for their constitutional right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Then he assures that there will be no rest until the blacks are granted and guaranteed civil rights. This next sentence, it is one of the biggest differences between MX and MLKJr. He said: â€Å"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred†. That statement is the biggest divider between the beliefs of Mr. X and Mr. King. â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.† I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.† Is there a alternative motive in the eyes of Mr. King? I think not. In the eyes of Mr. X? I believe there is. If Black Nationalism had evolved, it would have resulted in a war. Not a war of words or of silent hate†¦but a violent war of death and destruction. All that Mr. King wanted was his constitutional rights for him and everyone across the globe. Before he was assassinated, Mr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize and an award of $54 ,000, which he promptly donated to his civil rights movement. So through comparing the ideals and lives of both these great and influential men, we can see that they both have a same idea†¦.but methods and desires for change are much different. Mr. King wanted to have a peace full protest, to open the eyes of the public, white or black; Whereas Mr. X wanted change, and he wanted it now.